We're here to provide a full range of dental services and help you get the care you need. Our office is committed to offering our clients the best dental care experience in the area. Below you will find a list of the services our office provides.

Check Ups

Keeping your teeth clean every day is one of the most important things you can do to keep your smile healthy. Regular dental exams and dental cleanings at the dentist are important, too. At our office, we will examine your teeth, and then customize your cleaning as part of your personalized care.





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264 Hwy 19 South

Bryson City, NC


Monday - Thursday: 7am - 3pm

Friday by Appointment Only



If the reason you are unhappy with your smile is mainly cosmetic, our office practices offer several possible solutions, including whitening and veneers to brighten or enhance the look of your teeth, quickly and easily.

Crowns &


Crowns can replace existing crowns and fillings as well as restore severely damaged teeth.  Bridges are a permanent  option to replace missing teeth, give you back your smile, and improve your oral health. We currently offer metal-free cosmetic crowns and bridges to restore function as well as aesthetics.



Partial dentures are a removable option to replace single missing teeth or multiple missing teeth in different parts of the mouth.  Missing teeth affect not only your smile, but chewing and speaking as well.  We currently offer metal free partial dentures that blend naturally into your gums and are lightweight.


Most people need at least one dental filling in their lifetime. Fillings are most commonly used to treat cavities. They’re also used to repair cracked or broken teeth, or teeth that have been worn down over time.


At our office, we use all the latest techniques and equipment to help make the experience as comfortable as possible. And once your treatment is complete, we’ll talk you through how to keep a healthy mouth in the future.

Root Canal

A root canal is the space between the root and the tooth. If the pulp tissue or nerve inside your tooth becomes inflamed or infected, it can become tender and you may need a root canal procedure. The most common cause is tooth decay, but other causes include trauma, multiple fillings, or a tooth needing a crown.


At our office, we use the most up-to-date procedures, so your experience is as comfortable as possible.



More than 75% of Americans suffer from some form of gum disease - also called periodontal disease - and many don’t even know it. The symptoms include bleeding, bad breath and sore, swollen gums. Gum disease creates gaps between the teeth and gums, and the infected gum starts to separate from the tooth. These gaps, known as pockets, can become deeper over time, trapping food and creating an environment for bacteria to grow. The deeper they are, the more your risk of permanent tooth damage.


If left untreated, it can severely harm the gums and bones supporting your teeth, and eventually lead to tooth loss. Our office takes gum disease very seriously, and the team will do everything possible to provide you with the care you need. By examining your entire mouth, not just a specific problem, the dentist can determine whether you have conditions such as gum disease, and then get you started on the right treatment in the office and in your home. It’s all part of helping you find and keep your smile.



Your oral health is important to a healthy smile and life


Here are a few important ways you can help keep your healthy smile. We can give you more tips and advice when you visit us.


  •     Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  •     Floss every day.
  •     Visit your dentist for a dental exam and cleaning at least every 6 months, or as recommended.
  •     Check your gums to make sure they’re pink and that the gum line hugs teeth tightly (your gums should not bleed when you brush).
  •     Stop smoking. Smoking puts you at risk for oral cancer and infection.


Taking care of your oral health through regular dental care means you'll be able to talk, smile and eat comfortably. If you're experiencing tooth loss or other health issues, or if you simply want to prevent problems, we want to help.


Common Dental Issues


Here are some common dental issues you may be experiencing. You can learn about what causes them, their symptoms and the types of treatment that can help solve them. In some cases you may need to seek help, but for others you'll learn some simple solutions.


Bad Breath


Halitosis, or bad breath, is the third most frequent reason for seeing a dentist, after tooth decay and periodontal diseases. Causes include infrequent brushing and flossing, gum disease, dry mouth, smoking and diet.


Strategies for combatting chronic halitosis include using a tongue scraper, chewing sugarless gum, gargling with mouthwash and drinking lots of water. ALWAYS follow good oral hygiene guidelines, which include regular brushing and flossing.




A cavity is a hole in the tooth caused by decay. Cavities occur after decay has worn away the tooth enamel. The best way to prevent tooth decay and cavities is by brushing twice a day, flossing daily and visiting your dentist regularly. Eat healthy foods and avoid foods high in sugar.


Dry Mouth


Saliva is needed to help your mouth wash away food debris and control bacteria. Dry mouth is caused by the reduced flow of saliva. Symptoms of dry mouth include hoarseness, persistent sore throat, problems swallowing and dry nasal passages. Certain medications and diseases can cause dry mouth. Smoking or chewing tobacco can aggravate dry mouth conditions.


If you suffer from dry mouth, give us a call today or come visit us to discuss different treatment methods.


Gum Disease


Gum disease, sometimes called periodontal disease, can cause your gums to bleed or become infected, swollen or tender. Gum disease is the #1 cause of adult tooth loss in the United States. Gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, is usually painless, which means that you may not be able to detect it on your own. At the root of gum disease is infection caused by bacteria. Like many infections, gum disease can be treated with an antibiotic.


If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, give us a call today or come visit us to schedule a dental exam.  Early detection of gum disease can prevent more extensive and costly treatment in later years. The longer you wait, the worse it can get.




Many people are affected by TMJ. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. It is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the bone on each side of the head. The joint is stabilized by muscles that make it possible to open and close the mouth. Severe pain, discomfort or tenderness in or around these joints is referred to as a TMJ disorder. Common symptoms include:


Tenderness or pain in the face, jaw and ear


Chewing difficulty or discomfort




Painful clicking of the jaw


Difficulty opening or closing the mouth


Locking jaw or teeth that don't come together properly while biting or chewing


If you think you may have a TMJ disorder, give us a call today or come visit us to discuss.


Tooth Sensitivity


Tooth sensitivity is very common. It's frequently caused by hot or cold beverages and foods and sweets. Some people can also notice sensitivity from brushing or flossing. Fortunately, it is easily treated with fluoride treatments that can help strengthen the enamel and improve your sensitivity.


Also, try using a toothpaste made especially for sensitive teeth.


Tooth Erosion


Tooth erosion is the wearing away of tooth enamel by acid. If erosion is left untreated, it can cause pain, infection and even tooth loss.


To protect against tooth erosion, brush and floss regularly, visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups, and avoid sugary foods. Also, try using a straw when drinking carbonated beverages or other sweet drinks, such as natural fruit juices, which are very acidic.




Smoking has a negative impact on every facet of your health, and all forms of tobacco can cause dental problems. Smokers and tobacco users are at greater risk of developing oral cancer and gum disease. Tobacco products cause permanent stains which cannot be removed by brushing, and smoking can also cause a heavy build-up of tartar, requiring more frequent dental cleanings.



264 HWY 19 SOUTH



Mon - Thur 7am until 3pm

Friday - Appointment Only